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The Obvious Theory Of Value

If someone, anyone, want something - that something has value.

Even a piece of turd is worth quite a bit at the right place and at the right time

That’s it. This explains value. It’s not complicated. In fact, it’s obvious af.

That’s why I call it the obvious theory of value, becuuse the only way you don’t see it is if you are obsessed with intellectual masturbation vs just opening your eyes.

People want all kinds of things - meme coins, tulips, hermes, bath water, turds, bitcoin, nfts or anything. You don’t have to judge them, or find them valuable yourself, but they are valuable.

Once you internalize this obvious argument, and don’t seek to intellectually masturbate, you will understand so much more about every single phenomenon and no longer seek to overly justify it with suit talk or worse yet, judging others for being “stupid”.

You will also understand that P/E, token utility and all that jazz is made up by suits and CT to justify phenomenons and sound smart, much like ancient shamans made up gods to explain lightning.

I mean, yeh, it’s kinda goofy that some will pay $30 for a e-girl bath water, but who cares, I bet you have spent wayyyy more on something that someone else would think is insane, like a half naked woman to sit on your lap and pretend she’s super into you until you touch her and get a slap or a bag whose symbol makes you feel hot and popular.

If you don’t get this core notion of value, you are always gonna be closed minded about what value can possibly, failing to see the obvious waves of demand and excitement forming behind a given movement.

You might also fall into the trend of desperately inventing new utilities in order to satisfy the community’s constant call for “devs do something”, only to end up in an never ending loop of utility <-> excitement <-> one day pump <-> disappointment, rinse and repeat.

The value of something is more often, than not, baked in very early as part of the genesis legend. For bitcoin it was digital gold, for eth it was tech utopian, for hermes, it was exclusivity.

And if an item constantly show proof of that genesis legend coming true, it will gain in value, and if not, it will decline. That’s why so many products/tokens/stocks collapse into nothingness once the community deems it as “lost its way”.

Conversely, if a positive cycle sets in, for example - people start to see Solana as living up to it’s genesis promise of being the world’s state machine - then it matters jackshit how much SOL is burnt in transactions - the value of SOL will pamp.

But beyond all this talk, if you don’t take this dumb view of value, you are just gonna miss out on a lot of fun.

Everyone is gonna meme their way into fun n riches, and you are gonna be a grinch complaining about how everything does not have value.

And if you are not in it for the fun, what are you in it for?